
Saturday, March 04, 2017

women's march jakarta 2017

Today is March 4, 2017. I've been waiting for today for about a month now, and now what I've been waiting for is done. I was a part of the Women's March Jakarta! YAAAS!!! When I saw women marching for equality all over the US, I knew deep down inside I wanted to be a part of it -I wanted to join them to fight for women's rights. I found out about the Women's March Jakarta from an Official Account on the LINE app, and right at that very second, I was in.

So I started the day by taking a shower and eating two slices of Nutella sandwich. The march was to start at 9 AM, BUT THEN MY PARENTS DECIDED TO GO FROM HOME AT 8:55. So I arrived about 20 minutes late and we decided to follow the route of the crowd until we find them. It wasn't that far, so me and my mom didn't miss that much oration. My mom who was just accompanying me, walked on the sidewalks meanwhile I was on the streets, marching for what I believe in. At first I was shy to show my sign that was written, "My Body, My Choice. My Country, My Voice." But then the orator would shout out "Perempuan Bersatu!" and the crowd would go, "Tak bisa dikalahkan!". And right at that very moment, I knew I was in the right place with the right community.

The orator says something about how we are fighting against patriarchy, misogyny, violence, sexual assaults, rape, catcalls, bullying, and many more. Every now and then I see men and women fighting for equality. There was this man holding a sign written "Born This Gay", and this woman holding a sign written "Why would you rather see two men holding guns than holding hands?". I saw all these amazing people, each of them fighting for different types of inequality, holding all these creative signs they probably made all day / night long. I heard that Arie Kriting, Carissa Perusset and Hannah Al Rashid came to the march too, but I didn't meet them.

And then we finally arrived at Taman Aspirasi, right in front of the Istana Negara and Monas. There were more orations, dance performances, and some music just to keep things chill. There were poems read too! I saw these transwomen wearing "kebaya" full of blood, to represent how 17% of the LGBT+ community have tried suicide. They sprayed us with the red paint used as fake blood (which ruined my hair, but I didn't care). Some people actually took pictures of my sign because they thought it looked cute. Hopefully my sign will be on the news or on someone else's Instagram post HAHAHA. Sadly, I had to leave early because my mom had to go to the mall to prepare for an event tomorrow. But then we decided to stop by for a while again, and there weren't as many people as there used to be.

I personally thought the Women's March Jakarta was amazing, and I was so lucky to be a part of it, it was such an honor. I saw and met these brave, courageous people who voiced their opinions on gender equality. It's actually breathtaking to see over a thousand people march for something they truly believe in, fighting for something that matter to them.

I never thought so many people was so into feminism, because I've always thought that Indonesian people just doesn't understand feminism and gender equality yet, or they don't think it matters. And apparently, most Indonesians are like that. But after seeing that so many people are already supporting equality, I believe that there's hope for a better future, a better Indonesia that doesn't discriminate, violate an underestimate women, a better Indonesia that understands the concept of intersectional feminism and equality for all genders, races and beliefs, and apply it to their daily lives. Us feminists are trying to make a big change, starting from small changes on how we view other people and how we view certain things, and the Women's March is just a start of something bigger, something better, something great. Shoutout to everyone who were a part of the march, who joined the march, I am with you and I hope we can support each other on making Indonesia great. Also shoutout to the people who wanted to join the march but didn't (because of other reasons), there will be other events and I really hope to see you in those other ones! And last but not least, thank you, to the Women's March Jakarta committee who worked hard as hell to make this day happen -I COULD NEVER THANK YOU ENOUGH. And I hope to see you all, and more of you, on the next feminism/equality event.

For now, all I can say is,
Hidup. Perempuan. Indonesia.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 resolutions and wish list


1. Pergi ke New York, USA bersama keluarga
(I’m going there on June hoho)

2. Pergi ke New Zealand bersama teman-teman sekolah

3. Sukses mengerjakan karya tulis dan dapat melaksanakan sidang kartul dengan baik
(It’s pretty scary so I’m kinda nervous)

4. Menjadi sutradara drama kelas

5. Mendapat nilai-nilai rapot yang baik

6. Mendapat 200+ subscribers di YouTube

7. Mendapat peran utama dalam FTA 2017 (Festival Teater Anak)

8. Menjadi Juara 1 FLS2N Solo Vokal tingkat Nasional

9. Menurunkan berat badan
(because uhm… have you met me?)

10. Mendapat nafkah dari YouTube dan dapat membuat konten berkualitas

11. Mendapat tambahan uang jajan

12. Mendapat kemudahan masuk ke SMA Labschool Jakarta

13. Girl Meets World mendapat season 4
(It’s the best show in the world and I’m not gonna let Disney Channel cancel it)

14. Dapat menonton American Horror Story season 7 tanpa ketakutan

15. Menonton minimal 1 konser seorang penyanyi dalam satu tahun

17. Mendapat doi
(ok now that’s kind of personal)

18. Menemukan universitas yang memiliki program film / seni perfilman / DKV yang berkualitas
(So far I found only Binus International has a film school in Indonesia)

19. Dapat menjalani 2017 dengan baik dan lancar
(So you can still see me in 2018!)

it's beginning to look a lot like a boring holiday season

Selama liburan tengah semester, saya menghabiskan kebanyakan waktu saya menonton film-film bertema Christmas dan menonton ulang The Notebook untuk kesekian kalinya. Liburan saya dipenuhi film-film baru yang saya temukan di, serta melanjutkan beberapa karangan cerita saya yang sudah saya kerjakan sejak kelas 4 SD. I learned that there are a lot of crazy processes in writing stories, so don’t be a writer! Lol just kidding.
Pada tanggal 24-25 Desember, saya menginap di Hotel Four Seasons, yang sangat glamor dan indah. Ketika kami sampai, kami mengambil beberapa foto. Lalu pada malam hari, kami pergi jalan-jalan, menikmati suasana Jakarta yang indah, menikmati Christmas Eve. Banyak orang yang bilang bahwa Christmas Eve lebih terasa sebagai natal dibanding Christmas morning itu sendiri. Keluarga saya memang tidak merayakan Natal, namun kami senang merasakan aura dan vibe Christmas yang sangat festive dan menyenangkan. Because ‘tis the season to be jolly, y’all!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Vetricia: the glorious broadway // pensi 2016

Setiap tahun, SMP Labschool Jakarta menyelenggarakan sebuah pentas seni (pensi) yang dikoordinir dan diurus oleh satu angkatan. Tahun ini, angkatan 24 (that’s my angkatan), bertanggung jawab atas pensi. Kita mempunyai mimpi yang tinggi untuk membuat sebuah pensi bertema Broadway yang spektakuler. Tema itu sendiri diangkat dari beberapa hal-hal menarik: Times Square, Radio City Hall, Broadway Theatre, and the city of New York itself. Pada tanggal 19 November 2016, kita berhasil menyelenggarakan pensi yang spektakuler dan cukup hebat dibanding ekspektasi.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

alamat blog siswa 8C

I'm very sorry that I have to expose people's privacy (email & blog) in this post because this is a assignment from school that I have to do. So then again I'm sorry and here it is.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

pedoman karya tulis


                    1. PENDAHULUAN
Karya Tulis Ilmiah adalah karya ilmiah yang disusun menurut kaidah keilmuan dan ditulis berdasarkan kaidah Bahasa Indonesia, dibawah pengawasan atau pengarahan guru pembimbing. Kegiatan penuisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) di SMP Labschool Jakarta merupakan salah satu syarat pemenuhan profil lulusan. Dengan kegiatan ini, siswa diharapkan memiliki pengalaman menulis ilmiah secara sederhana, berpikir runtut, dan memiliki keberanian menyampaikan pendapatnya melalui kegiatan presentasi di akhir kegiatan sebagai bentuk dari aktualisasi dari apa yang telah dikerjakannya.

Pedoman ini disusun oleh Tim Penyusun Pedoman Penulisan KTI  SMP Labschool Jakarta. Pedoman inni diterbitkan dengan tujuan memberikan tuntunan kepada siswa agar dapat dengan mudah mengikuti tahap demi tahap dalam menyesuaikan penulisan KTI sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada pada buku panduan ini.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

liburan sekolah

Ok let's start the story. Beberapa minggu sebelum liburan kenaikan kelas, gue kira gue bakal menghabiskan waktu liburan di rumah. BUT APPARENTLY, OUR INSANE FAMILY WASN'T GONNA DO THAT. Orangtua gue baru bilang kalo kita bakal LIBUR LEBARAN DI BALI. Gue gak nyangka sama sekali. Kenapa? Well, seriously, keluarga Muslim macam apa yang memilih untuk merayakan Lebaran di Bali?! Namun setelah mencari tahu lebih lanjut, ternyata keluarga besar gue semuanya akan pergi ke Bali. My dad's Balinese, by the way.